11 files changed, 1359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/remotecfg/ b/remotecfg/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ea29c7
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/remotecfg/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#this file is used to store key map table
+# custom_name: name of map table
+# custom_code: custom code for remote device
+# release_delay unit:ms.release will report from kernel to user layer after this period of time
+# from press or repeat triggered.
+# fn_key_scancode: scancode of fn key which used to swith mode
+# cursor_left_scancode: scancode of left key
+# cursor_right_scancode: scancode of right key
+# cursor_up_scancode: scancode of up key
+# cursor_down_scancode: scancode of down key
+# cursor_ok_scancode: scancode of ok key
+custom_name = nec-cursor-test
+custom_code = 0xfb04
+release_delay = 80
+fn_key_scancode = 0x15
+cursor_left_scancode = 0x1c
+cursor_right_scancode = 0x48
+cursor_up_scancode = 0x44
+cursor_down_scancode = 0x1d
+cursor_ok_scancode = 0x5c
+ 0x47 11
+ 0x13 2
+ 0x10 3
+ 0x11 4
+ 0x0F 5
+ 0x0C 6
+ 0x0D 7
+ 0x0B 8
+ 0x08 9
+ 0x09 10
+ 0x5C 97
+ 0x51 65
+ 0x49 14
+ 0x06 130
+ 0x14 131
+ 0x44 103
+ 0x1D 108
+ 0x1C 105
+ 0x48 106
+ 0x53 125
+ 0x45 104
+ 0x19 109
+ 0x16 102
+ 0x52 119
+ 0x05 122
+ 0x59 123
+ 0x1b 120
+ 0x04 121
+ 0x1A 116
+ 0x0A 15
+ 0x0e 113
+ 0x15 63
+ 0x1F 102
+ 0x1e 132
+ 0x07 133
+ 0x12 134
+ 0x54 135
+ 0x02 136
+ 0x4f 30
+ 0x42 48
+ 0x5d 46
+ 0x4c 32
+ 0x58 137
+ 0x55 140