116 files changed, 25845 insertions, 36303 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/amvdec_ports/aml_vcodec_drv.h b/drivers/amvdec_ports/aml_vcodec_drv.h
index 1baec44..f28dc51 100644
--- a/drivers/amvdec_ports/aml_vcodec_drv.h
+++ b/drivers/amvdec_ports/aml_vcodec_drv.h
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@
#define V4L2_EVENT_REQUEST_RESET (1 << 8)
#define V4L2_EVENT_REQUEST_EXIT (1 << 9)
+/* eos event */
+#define V4L2_EVENT_SEND_EOS (1 << 16)
/* v4l buffer pool */
#define V4L_CAP_BUFF_MAX (32)
#define V4L_CAP_BUFF_INVALID (0)
@@ -68,6 +71,14 @@
#define V4L_RESET_MODE_NORMAL (1 << 0) /* reset vdec_input and decoder. */
#define V4L_RESET_MODE_LIGHT (1 << 1) /* just only reset decoder. */
+/* m2m job queue's status */
+/* Instance is already queued on the job_queue */
+#define TRANS_QUEUED (1 << 0)
+/* Instance is currently running in hardware */
+#define TRANS_RUNNING (1 << 1)
+/* Instance is currently aborting */
+#define TRANS_ABORT (1 << 2)
* enum aml_hw_reg_idx - AML hw register base index
@@ -266,6 +277,7 @@ struct vdec_pic_info {
unsigned int y_len_sz;
unsigned int c_len_sz;
int profile_idc;
+ int ref_frame_count;
struct aml_vdec_cfg_infos {
@@ -369,101 +381,93 @@ struct aml_vdec_thread {
* struct aml_vcodec_ctx - Context (instance) private data.
- * @type: type of the instance - decoder or encoder
- * @dev: pointer to the aml_vcodec_dev of the device
- * @list: link to ctx_list of aml_vcodec_dev
- * @fh: struct v4l2_fh
- * @m2m_ctx: pointer to the v4l2_m2m_ctx of the context
- * @q_data: store information of input and output queue
- * of the context
- * @id: index of the context that this structure describes
- * @state: state of the context
- * @param_change: indicate encode parameter type
- * @enc_params: encoding parameters
- * @dec_if: hooked decoder driver interface
- * @enc_if: hoooked encoder driver interface
- * @drv_handle: driver handle for specific decode/encode instance
- *
- * @picinfo: store picture info after header parsing
+ * @id: index of the context that this structure describes.
+ * @type: type of the instance - decoder or encoder.
+ * @dev: pointer to the aml_vcodec_dev of the device.
+ * @m2m_ctx: pointer to the v4l2_m2m_ctx of the context.
+ * @ada_ctx: pointer to the aml_vdec_adapt of the context.
+ * @dec_if: hooked decoder driver interface.
+ * @drv_handle: driver handle for specific decode instance
+ * @fh: struct v4l2_fh.
+ * @ctrl_hdl: handler for v4l2 framework.
+ * @slock: protect v4l2 codec context.
+ * @empty_flush_buf: a fake size-0 capture buffer that indicates flush.
+ * @list: link to ctx_list of aml_vcodec_dev.
+ * @q_data: store information of input and output queue of the context.
+ * @queue: waitqueue that can be used to wait for this context to finish.
+ * @lock: protect the vdec thread.
+ * @state_lock: protect the codec status.
+ * @state: state of the context.
+ * @decode_work: decoder work be used to output buffer.
+ * @output_thread_ready: indicate the output thread ready.
+ * @cap_pool: capture buffers are remark in the pool.
+ * @vdec_thread_list: vdec thread be used to capture.
* @dpb_size: store dpb count after header parsing
- * @int_cond: variable used by the waitqueue
- * @int_type: type of the last interrupt
- * @queue: waitqueue that can be used to wait for this context to
- * finish
- * @irq_status: irq status
- *
- * @ctrl_hdl: handler for v4l2 framework
- * @decode_work: worker for the decoding
- * @encode_work: worker for the encoding
- * @last_decoded_picinfo: pic information get from latest decode
- * @empty_flush_buf: a fake size-0 capture buffer that indicates flush
- *
- * @colorspace: enum v4l2_colorspace; supplemental to pixelformat
- * @ycbcr_enc: enum v4l2_ycbcr_encoding, Y'CbCr encoding
- * @quantization: enum v4l2_quantization, colorspace quantization
- * @xfer_func: enum v4l2_xfer_func, colorspace transfer function
- * @lock: protect variables accessed by V4L2 threads and worker thread such as
- * aml_video_dec_buf.
+ * @param_change: indicate encode parameter type
+ * @param_sets_from_ucode: if true indicate ps from ucode.
+ * @v4l_codec_dpb_ready: queue buffer number greater than dpb.
+ * @comp: comp be used for sync picture information with decoder.
+ * @config: used to set or get parms for application.
+ * @picinfo: store picture info after header parsing.
+ * @last_decoded_picinfo: pic information get from latest decode.
+ * @colorspace: enum v4l2_colorspace; supplemental to pixelformat.
+ * @ycbcr_enc: enum v4l2_ycbcr_encoding, Y'CbCr encoding.
+ * @quantization: enum v4l2_quantization, colorspace quantization.
+ * @xfer_func: enum v4l2_xfer_func, colorspace transfer function.
+ * @cap_pix_fmt: the picture format used to switch nv21 or nv12.
+ * @has_receive_eos: if receive last frame of capture that be set.
+ * @is_drm_mode: decoding work on drm mode if that set.
+ * @is_stream_mode: vdec input used to stream mode, default frame mode.
+ * @is_stream_off: the value used to handle reset active.
+ * @receive_cmd_stop: if receive the cmd flush decoder.
+ * @reset_flag: reset mode includes lightly and normal mode.
+ * @decoded_frame_cnt: the capture buffer deque number to be count.
+ * @buf_used_count: means that decode allocate how many buffs from v4l.
struct aml_vcodec_ctx {
- enum aml_instance_type type;
- struct aml_vcodec_dev *dev;
- struct list_head list;
- struct v4l2_fh fh;
- struct v4l2_m2m_ctx *m2m_ctx;
- struct aml_vdec_adapt *ada_ctx;
- struct aml_q_data q_data[2];
- int id;
- struct mutex state_lock;
- enum aml_instance_state state;
- enum aml_encode_param param_change;
- struct aml_enc_params enc_params;
- const struct vdec_common_if *dec_if;
- const struct venc_common_if *enc_if;
- unsigned long drv_handle;
- struct vdec_pic_info picinfo;
- int dpb_size;
- int int_cond;
- int int_type;
- wait_queue_head_t queue;
- unsigned int irq_status;
- struct v4l2_ctrl_handler ctrl_hdl;
- struct work_struct decode_work;
- struct work_struct encode_work;
- struct vdec_pic_info last_decoded_picinfo;
- struct aml_video_dec_buf *empty_flush_buf;
- enum v4l2_colorspace colorspace;
- enum v4l2_ycbcr_encoding ycbcr_enc;
- enum v4l2_quantization quantization;
- enum v4l2_xfer_func xfer_func;
- int decoded_frame_cnt;
- struct mutex lock;
- struct completion comp;
- bool has_receive_eos;
- struct list_head vdec_thread_list;
- bool is_drm_mode;
- bool is_stream_mode;
- int buf_used_count;
- bool receive_cmd_stop;
- bool scatter_mem_enable;
- bool param_sets_from_ucode;
- bool v4l_codec_ready;
- bool v4l_codec_dpb_ready;
- wait_queue_head_t wq;
- spinlock_t slock;
- struct v4l2_config_parm config;
- bool is_stream_off;
- int reset_flag;
- int stop_cmd;
- u32 display_count;
- struct v4l_buff_pool cap_pool;
+ int id;
+ enum aml_instance_type type;
+ struct aml_vcodec_dev *dev;
+ struct v4l2_m2m_ctx *m2m_ctx;
+ struct aml_vdec_adapt *ada_ctx;
+ const struct vdec_common_if *dec_if;
+ ulong drv_handle;
+ struct v4l2_fh fh;
+ struct v4l2_ctrl_handler ctrl_hdl;
+ spinlock_t slock;
+ struct aml_video_dec_buf *empty_flush_buf;
+ struct list_head list;
+ struct aml_q_data q_data[2];
+ wait_queue_head_t queue;
+ struct mutex lock, state_lock;
+ enum aml_instance_state state;
+ struct work_struct decode_work;
+ bool output_thread_ready;
+ struct v4l_buff_pool cap_pool;
+ struct list_head vdec_thread_list;
+ int dpb_size;
+ bool param_sets_from_ucode;
+ bool v4l_codec_dpb_ready;
+ struct completion comp;
+ struct v4l2_config_parm config;
+ struct vdec_pic_info picinfo;
+ struct vdec_pic_info last_decoded_picinfo;
+ enum v4l2_colorspace colorspace;
+ enum v4l2_ycbcr_encoding ycbcr_enc;
+ enum v4l2_quantization quantization;
+ enum v4l2_xfer_func xfer_func;
+ u32 cap_pix_fmt;
+ bool has_receive_eos;
+ bool is_drm_mode;
+ bool output_dma_mode;
+ bool is_stream_off;
+ bool receive_cmd_stop;
+ int reset_flag;
+ int decoded_frame_cnt;
+ int buf_used_count;