authorKieth Liu <>2015-10-09 05:46:02 (GMT)
committer Kieth Liu <>2015-10-09 06:02:16 (GMT)
commitfac6d7a9c4a01fb7a976c890a649710984ac5df0 (patch)
parent737fb2980a2e8953db2cca86c00b4abf96bfe4c8 (diff)
change for TunerInput
Change-Id: I141280fb93118d249bf4c94f1d93e97845545bdf
5 files changed, 526 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/tvapi/android/tvserver/TvService.cpp b/tvapi/android/tvserver/TvService.cpp
index eb61440..13a90f6 100644
--- a/tvapi/android/tvserver/TvService.cpp
+++ b/tvapi/android/tvserver/TvService.cpp
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ void TvService::onTvEvent(const CTvEv &ev)
sp<Client> ScannerClient = mpScannerClient.promote();
if(ScannerClient != 0) {
Parcel p;
+ LOGD("scanner evt type:%d freq:%d vid:%d acnt:%d",
+ pScannerEv->mType, pScannerEv->mFrequency, pScannerEv->mVid, pScannerEv->mAcnt);
@@ -99,10 +101,31 @@ void TvService::onTvEvent(const CTvEv &ev)
- //
+ //ATV
+ //DTV
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mMode);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mSymbolRate);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mModulation);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mBandwidth);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mOfdm_mode);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mTsId);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mONetId);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mServiceId);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mVid);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mVfmt);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mAcnt);
+ for (int i = 0; i < pScannerEv->mAcnt; i++)
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mAid[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < pScannerEv->mAcnt; i++)
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mAfmt[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < pScannerEv->mAcnt; i++)
+ p.writeString16(String16(pScannerEv->mAlang[i]));
+ for (int i = 0; i < pScannerEv->mAcnt; i++)
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mAtype[i]);
+ p.writeInt32(pScannerEv->mPcr);
ScannerClient->notifyCallback(SCAN_EVENT_CALLBACK, p);
@@ -4180,11 +4203,23 @@ status_t TvService::Client::processCmd(const Parcel &p, Parcel *r)
+ int mode = p.readInt32();
int freq = p.readInt32();
- int videoStd = p.readInt32();
- int audioStd = p.readInt32();
- int fineTune = p.readInt32();
- mpTv->playAtvProgram(freq, videoStd, audioStd, fineTune);
+ if (mode == FE_ANALOG) {
+ int videoStd = p.readInt32();
+ int audioStd = p.readInt32();
+ int fineTune = p.readInt32();
+ mpTv->playAtvProgram(freq, videoStd, audioStd, fineTune);
+ } else {
+ int para1 = p.readInt32();
+ int para2 = p.readInt32();
+ int vid = p.readInt32();
+ int vfmt = p.readInt32();
+ int aid = p.readInt32();
+ int afmt = p.readInt32();
+ int pcr = p.readInt32();
+ mpTv->playDtvProgram(mode, freq, para1, para2, vid, vfmt, aid, afmt, pcr);
+ }
diff --git a/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTv.cpp b/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTv.cpp
index 202efdd..0131fc7 100644
--- a/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTv.cpp
+++ b/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTv.cpp
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define LOG_TAG "CTv"
using namespace android;
// Called each time a message is logged.
@@ -818,6 +819,18 @@ int CTv::ResetAudioDecoderForPCMOutput()
LOGD ( "%s, iOutRet = %d AM_AV_ResetAudioDecoder\n", __FUNCTION__, iOutRet );
return iOutRet;
+int CTv::playDtvProgram ( int mode, int freq, int para1, int para2, int vpid, int vfmt, int apid, int afmt, int pcr)
+ mFrontDev.setPara ( mode, freq, para1, para2);
+ startPlayTv ( SOURCE_DTV, vpid, apid, vfmt, afmt );
+ return 0;
int CTv::playDtmbProgram ( int progId )
CTvProgram prog;
@@ -1648,7 +1661,7 @@ int CTv::OpenTv ( void )
int CTv::CloseTv ( void )
- LOGD ( "%s, tv close");
+ LOGD ( "tv close");
if (mpUpgradeFBC != NULL) {
diff --git a/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTv.h b/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTv.h
index 2eefdf7..5dd4bf2 100644
--- a/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTv.h
+++ b/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTv.h
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ public:
virtual int playDvbcProgram ( int progId );
virtual int playDtmbProgram ( int progId );
virtual int playAtvProgram ( int, int, int, int);
+ virtual int playDtvProgram ( int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
virtual int stopPlayingLock();
virtual int resetFrontEndPara ( frontend_para_set_t feParms );
int SetCurProgramAudioVolumeCompensationVal ( int tmpVal );
diff --git a/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTvScanner.cpp b/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTvScanner.cpp
index 068d82a..ecfd6f9 100644
--- a/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTvScanner.cpp
+++ b/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTvScanner.cpp
@@ -401,6 +401,423 @@ int CTvScanner::autoAtvScan(int min_freq, int max_freq, int std, int search_type
} return 0;
+#define dvb_fend_para(_p) ((struct dvb_frontend_parameters*)(&_p))
+#define IS_DVBT2_TS(_para) (_para.m_type == FE_OFDM && _para.terrestrial.para.u.ofdm.ofdm_mode == OFDM_DVBT2)
+#define IS_ISDBT_TS(_para) (_para.m_type == FE_ISDBT)
+dvbpsi_pat_t *CTvScanner::get_valid_pats(AM_SCAN_TS_t *ts)
+ dvbpsi_pat_t *valid_pat = NULL;
+ if (!IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para)) {
+ valid_pat = ts->digital.pats;
+ } else if (IS_ISDBT_TS(ts->digital.fend_para)) {
+ /* process for isdbt one-seg inserted PAT, which ts_id is 0xffff */
+ valid_pat = ts->digital.pats;
+ while (valid_pat != NULL && valid_pat->i_ts_id == 0xffff) {
+ valid_pat = valid_pat->p_next;
+ }
+ if (valid_pat == NULL && ts->digital.pats != NULL) {
+ valid_pat = ts->digital.pats;
+ if (ts->digital.sdts != NULL)
+ valid_pat->i_ts_id = ts->digital.sdts->i_ts_id;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int plp;
+ for (plp = 0; plp < ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plp_num; plp++) {
+ if (ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plps[plp].pats != NULL) {
+ valid_pat = ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plps[plp].pats;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return valid_pat;
+void CTvScanner::scan_process_ts_info(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result, AM_SCAN_TS_t *ts, ScannerEvent *evt)
+ dvbpsi_nit_t *nit;
+ dvbpsi_descriptor_t *descr;
+ evt->mONetId = -1;
+ evt->mTsId = -1;
+ if (ts->digital.sdts)
+ evt->mONetId = ts->digital.sdts->i_network_id;
+ else if (IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para) && ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plp_num > 0 && ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plps[0].sdts)
+ evt->mONetId = ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plps[0].sdts->i_network_id;
+ evt->mTsId = get_valid_pats(ts)->i_ts_id;
+ evt->mFrequency = (int)dvb_fend_para(ts->digital.fend_para)->frequency;
+ evt->mMode = ts->digital.fend_para.m_type;
+ if (IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para))
+ evt->mOfdm_mode = (int)dvb_fend_para(ts->digital.fend_para)->u.ofdm.ofdm_mode;
+ else if ((ts->digital.fend_para.m_type == FE_DTMB) || (ts->digital.fend_para.m_type == FE_OFDM))
+ evt->mBandwidth = (int)dvb_fend_para(ts->digital.fend_para)->u.ofdm.bandwidth;
+ else if(ts->digital.fend_para.m_type == FE_QAM) {
+ evt->mSymbolRate = (int)dvb_fend_para(ts->digital.fend_para)->u.qam.symbol_rate;
+ evt->mModulation = (int)dvb_fend_para(ts->digital.fend_para)->u.qam.modulation;
+ }
+void CTvScanner::scan_init_service_info(SCAN_ServiceInfo_t *srv_info)
+ memset(srv_info, 0, sizeof(SCAN_ServiceInfo_t));
+ srv_info->vid = 0x1fff;
+ srv_info->vfmt = -1;
+ srv_info->free_ca = 1;
+ srv_info->srv_id = 0xffff;
+ srv_info->srv_dbid = -1;
+ srv_info->satpara_dbid = -1;
+ srv_info->pmt_pid = 0x1fff;
+ srv_info->plp_id = -1;
+ srv_info->sdt_version = 0xff;
+int CTvScanner::get_pmt_pid(dvbpsi_pat_t *pats, int program_number)
+ dvbpsi_pat_t *pat;
+ dvbpsi_pat_program_t *prog;
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(pats, pat)
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(pat->p_first_program, prog)
+ if (prog->i_number == program_number)
+ return prog->i_pid;
+ return 0x1fff;
+void CTvScanner::scan_extract_ca_scrambled_flag(dvbpsi_descriptor_t *p_first_descriptor, int *flag)
+ dvbpsi_descriptor_t *descr;
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(p_first_descriptor, descr)
+ if (descr->i_tag == AM_SI_DESCR_CA && ! *flag) {
+ LOGD( "Found CA descr, set scrambled flag to 1");
+ *flag = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+void CTvScanner::scan_extract_srv_info_from_sdt(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result, dvbpsi_sdt_t *sdts, SCAN_ServiceInfo_t *srv_info)
+ dvbpsi_sdt_service_t *srv;
+ dvbpsi_sdt_t *sdt;
+ dvbpsi_descriptor_t *descr;
+ const uint8_t split = 0x80;
+ const int name_size = (int)sizeof(srv_info->name);
+ int curr_name_len = 0, tmp_len;
+ char name[AM_DB_MAX_SRV_NAME_LEN + 1];
+ UNUSED(result);
+#define COPY_NAME(_s, _slen)\
+ int copy_len = ((curr_name_len+_slen)>=name_size) ? (name_size-curr_name_len) : _slen;\
+ if (copy_len > 0) {\
+ memcpy(srv_info->name+curr_name_len, _s, copy_len);\
+ curr_name_len += copy_len;\
+ }\
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(sdts, sdt)
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(sdt->p_first_service, srv)
+ /*从SDT表中查找该service并获取信息*/
+ if (srv->i_service_id == srv_info->srv_id) {
+ LOGD("SDT for service %d found!", srv_info->srv_id);
+ srv_info->eit_sche = (uint8_t)srv->b_eit_schedule;
+ srv_info->eit_pf = (uint8_t)srv->b_eit_present;
+ srv_info->rs = srv->i_running_status;
+ srv_info->free_ca = (uint8_t)srv->b_free_ca;
+ srv_info->sdt_version = sdt->i_version;
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(srv->p_first_descriptor, descr)
+ if (descr->p_decoded && descr->i_tag == AM_SI_DESCR_SERVICE) {
+ dvbpsi_service_dr_t *psd = (dvbpsi_service_dr_t *)descr->p_decoded;
+ if (psd->i_service_name_length > 0) {
+ name[0] = 0;
+ AM_SI_ConvertDVBTextCode((char *)psd->i_service_name, psd->i_service_name_length, \
+ name[AM_DB_MAX_SRV_NAME_LEN] = 0;
+ /*3bytes language code, using xxx to simulate*/
+ COPY_NAME("xxx", 3);
+ /*following by name text*/
+ tmp_len = strlen(name);
+ COPY_NAME(name, tmp_len);
+ }
+ /*业务类型*/
+ srv_info->srv_type = psd->i_service_type;
+ /*service type 0x16 and 0x19 is user defined, as digital television service*/
+ /*service type 0xc0 is type of partial reception service in ISDBT*/
+ if ((srv_info->srv_type == 0x16) || (srv_info->srv_type == 0x19) || (srv_info->srv_type == 0xc0)) {
+ srv_info->srv_type = 0x1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* store multilingual service name */
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(srv->p_first_descriptor, descr)
+ if (descr->p_decoded && descr->i_tag == AM_SI_DESCR_MULTI_SERVICE_NAME) {
+ int i;
+ dvbpsi_multi_service_name_dr_t *pmsnd = (dvbpsi_multi_service_name_dr_t *)descr->p_decoded;
+ for (i = 0; i < pmsnd->i_name_count; i++) {
+ name[0] = 0;
+ AM_SI_ConvertDVBTextCode((char *)pmsnd->p_service_name[i].i_service_name,
+ pmsnd->p_service_name[i].i_service_name_length,
+ name[AM_DB_MAX_SRV_NAME_LEN] = 0;
+ if (curr_name_len > 0) {
+ /*extra split mark*/
+ COPY_NAME(&split, 1);
+ }
+ /*3bytes language code*/
+ COPY_NAME(pmsnd->p_service_name[i].i_iso_639_code, 3);
+ /*following by name text*/
+ tmp_len = strlen(name);
+ COPY_NAME(name, tmp_len);
+ }
+ }
+ /* set the ending null byte */
+ if (curr_name_len >= name_size)
+ srv_info->name[name_size - 1] = 0;
+ else
+ srv_info->name[curr_name_len] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+void CTvScanner::scan_update_service_info(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result, SCAN_ServiceInfo_t *srv_info)
+#define str(i) (char*)(strings + i)
+ static char strings[14][256];
+ if (srv_info->src != FE_ANALOG) {
+ int standard = result->start_para->dtv_para.standard;
+ int mode = result->start_para->dtv_para.mode;
+ /* Transform service types for different dtv standards */
+ if (standard != AM_SCAN_DTV_STD_ATSC) {
+ if (srv_info->srv_type == 0x1)
+ srv_info->srv_type = AM_SCAN_SRV_DTV;
+ else if (srv_info->srv_type == 0x2)
+ srv_info->srv_type = AM_SCAN_SRV_DRADIO;
+ } else {
+ if (srv_info->srv_type == 0x2)
+ srv_info->srv_type = AM_SCAN_SRV_DTV;
+ else if (srv_info->srv_type == 0x3)
+ srv_info->srv_type = AM_SCAN_SRV_DRADIO;
+ }
+ /* if video valid, set this program to tv type,
+ * if audio valid, but video not found, set it to radio type,
+ * if both invalid, but service_type found in SDT/VCT, set to unknown service,
+ * this mechanism is OPTIONAL
+ */
+ if (srv_info->vid < 0x1fff) {
+ srv_info->srv_type = AM_SCAN_SRV_DTV;
+ } else if (srv_info->aud_info.audio_count > 0) {
+ srv_info->srv_type = AM_SCAN_SRV_DRADIO;
+ } else if (srv_info->srv_type == AM_SCAN_SRV_DTV ||
+ srv_info->srv_type == AM_SCAN_SRV_DRADIO) {
+ srv_info->srv_type = AM_SCAN_SRV_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ /* Skip program for FTA mode */
+ if (srv_info->scrambled_flag && (mode & AM_SCAN_DTVMODE_FTA)) {
+ LOGD( "Skip program '%s' for FTA mode", srv_info->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Skip program for service_type mode */
+ if (srv_info->srv_type == AM_SCAN_SRV_DTV && (mode & AM_SCAN_DTVMODE_NOTV)) {
+ LOGD( "Skip program '%s' for NO-TV mode", srv_info->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (srv_info->srv_type == AM_SCAN_SRV_DRADIO && (mode & AM_SCAN_DTVMODE_NORADIO)) {
+ LOGD( "Skip program '%s' for NO-RADIO mode", srv_info->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Set default name to tv/radio program if no name specified */
+ if (!strcmp(srv_info->name, "") &&
+ (srv_info->srv_type == AM_SCAN_SRV_DTV ||
+ srv_info->srv_type == AM_SCAN_SRV_DRADIO)) {
+ strcpy(srv_info->name, "xxxNo Name");
+ }
+ }
+void CTvScanner::scan_store_dvb_ts_evt_service(SCAN_ServiceInfo_t *srv)
+ LOGD("scan_store_dvb_ts_evt_service freq:%d, sid:%d", m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mFrequency, srv->srv_id);
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mServiceId = srv->srv_id;
+ strncpy(m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mProgramName, srv->name, 1024);
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mprogramType = srv->srv_type;
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mVid = srv->vid;
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mVfmt = srv->vfmt;
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mAcnt = srv->aud_info.audio_count;
+ for (int i = 0; i < srv->aud_info.audio_count; i++) {
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mAid[i] = srv->aud_info.audios[i].pid;
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mAfmt[i] = srv->aud_info.audios[i].fmt;
+ strncpy(m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mAlang[i], srv->aud_info.audios[i].lang, 10);
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mAtype[i] = srv->aud_info.audios[i].audio_type;
+ }
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mPcr = srv->pcr_pid;
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mMSG[0] = '\0';
+ m_s_Scanner->mCurEv.mType = ScannerEvent::EVENT_DTV_PROG_DATA;
+ m_s_Scanner->mpObserver->onEvent(m_s_Scanner->mCurEv);
+void CTvScanner::scan_store_dvb_ts(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result, AM_SCAN_TS_t *ts)
+ dvbpsi_pmt_t *pmt;
+ dvbpsi_pmt_es_t *es;
+ dvbpsi_descriptor_t *descr;
+ int src = result->start_para->dtv_para.source;
+ int mode = result->start_para->dtv_para.mode;
+ int net_dbid = -1, dbid = -1, orig_net_id = -1, satpara_dbid = -1;
+ char selbuf[256];
+ char insbuf[400];
+ AM_Bool_t store = AM_TRUE;
+ dvbpsi_pat_t *valid_pat = NULL;
+ uint8_t plp_id;
+ SCAN_ServiceInfo_t srv_info;
+ valid_pat = get_valid_pats(ts);
+ if (valid_pat == NULL) {
+ LOGD("No PAT found in ts, will not store to dbase");
+ return;
+ }
+ LOGD("@@ TS: src %d @@", src);
+ scan_process_ts_info(result, ts, &m_s_Scanner->mCurEv);
+ if (ts->digital.pmts || (IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para) && ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plp_num > 0)) {
+ int loop_count, lc;
+ dvbpsi_sdt_t *sdt_list;
+ dvbpsi_pmt_t *pmt_list;
+ dvbpsi_pat_t *pat_list;
+ /* For DVB-T2, search for each PLP, else search in current TS*/
+ loop_count = IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para) ? ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plp_num : 1;
+ LOGD("plp num %d", loop_count);
+ for (lc = 0; lc < loop_count; lc++) {
+ pat_list = IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para) ? ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plps[lc].pats : ts->digital.pats;
+ pmt_list = IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para) ? ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plps[lc].pmts : ts->digital.pmts;
+ sdt_list = IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para) ? ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plps[lc].sdts : ts->digital.sdts;
+ plp_id = IS_DVBT2_TS(ts->digital.fend_para) ? ts->digital.dvbt2_data_plps[lc].id : -1;
+ LOGD("plp_id %d", plp_id);
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(pmt_list, pmt) {
+ scan_init_service_info(&srv_info);
+ srv_info.satpara_dbid = satpara_dbid;
+ srv_info.srv_id = pmt->i_program_number;
+ srv_info.src = src;
+ srv_info.pmt_pid = get_pmt_pid(pat_list, pmt->i_program_number);
+ srv_info.pcr_pid = pmt->i_pcr_pid;
+ srv_info.plp_id = plp_id;
+ /* looking for CA descr */
+ if (! srv_info.scrambled_flag) {
+ scan_extract_ca_scrambled_flag(pmt->p_first_descriptor, &srv_info.scrambled_flag);
+ }
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(pmt->p_first_es, es) {
+ AM_SI_ExtractAVFromES(es, &srv_info.vid, &srv_info.vfmt, &srv_info.aud_info);
+ if (store) {
+ AM_SI_ExtractDVBSubtitleFromES(es, &srv_info.sub_info);
+ AM_SI_ExtractDVBTeletextFromES(es, &srv_info.ttx_info);
+ }
+ if (! srv_info.scrambled_flag)
+ scan_extract_ca_scrambled_flag(es->p_first_descriptor, &srv_info.scrambled_flag);
+ }
+ scan_extract_srv_info_from_sdt(result, sdt_list, &srv_info);
+ /*Store this service*/
+ scan_update_service_info(result, &srv_info);
+ scan_store_dvb_ts_evt_service(&srv_info);
+ }
+ /* All programs in PMTs added, now trying the programs in SDT but NOT in PMT */
+ dvbpsi_sdt_service_t *srv;
+ dvbpsi_sdt_t *sdt;
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(ts->digital.sdts, sdt) {
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(sdt->p_first_service, srv) {
+ AM_Bool_t found_in_pmt = AM_FALSE;
+ /* Is already added in PMT? */
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(ts->digital.pmts, pmt)
+ if (srv->i_service_id == pmt->i_program_number) {
+ found_in_pmt = AM_TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (found_in_pmt)
+ continue;
+ scan_init_service_info(&srv_info);
+ srv_info.satpara_dbid = satpara_dbid;
+ srv_info.srv_id = srv->i_service_id;
+ srv_info.src = src;
+ scan_extract_srv_info_from_sdt(result, sdt_list, &srv_info);
+ scan_update_service_info(result, &srv_info);
+ /*as no pmt for this srv, set type to data for invisible*/
+ srv_info.srv_type = 0;
+ scan_store_dvb_ts_evt_service(&srv_info);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CTvScanner::dtv_scan_store(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result)
+ AM_SCAN_TS_t *ts;
+ LOGD("Storing tses ...");
+ AM_SI_LIST_BEGIN(result->tses, ts) {
+ scan_store_dvb_ts(result, ts);
+ }
int CTvScanner::manualDtmbScan(int beginFreq, int endFreq, int modulation)
@@ -446,7 +863,7 @@ int CTvScanner::manualDtmbScan(int beginFreq, int endFreq, int modulation)
para.dtv_para.fe_cnt = size;
para.dtv_para.resort_all = AM_FALSE;
para.dtv_para.sort_method = AM_SCAN_SORT_BY_FREQ_SRV_ID;
- para.store_cb = NULL;
+ para.store_cb = dtv_scan_store;
memset(&dmx_para, 0, sizeof(dmx_para));
@@ -718,7 +1135,7 @@ int CTvScanner::autoDtmbScan()
para.dtv_para.resort_all = AM_FALSE;
para.dtv_para.sort_method = AM_SCAN_SORT_BY_FREQ_SRV_ID;
- para.store_cb = NULL;
+ para.store_cb = dtv_scan_store;
memset(&dmx_para, 0, sizeof(dmx_para));
AM_DMX_Open(para.dtv_para.dmx_dev_id, &dmx_para);
@@ -896,6 +1313,8 @@ void CTvScanner::tv_scan_evt_callback(long dev_no, int event_type, void *param,
CTvScanner *pT = NULL;
long long tmpFreq = 0;
+ LOGD("evt evt:%d", event_type);
AM_SCAN_GetUserData((AM_SCAN_Handle_t)dev_no, (void **)&pT);
if(pT == NULL) {
diff --git a/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTvScanner.h b/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTvScanner.h
index 5272162..85d8617 100644
--- a/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTvScanner.h
+++ b/tvapi/libtv/tv/CTvScanner.h
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <am_scan.h>
#include <am_epg.h>
#include <am_mem.h>
+#include <am_db.h>
#include "CTvChannel.h"
#include "CTvLog.h"
#include "CTvEv.h"
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ public:
static const int EVENT_BLINDSCAN_NEWCHANNEL = 5;
static const int EVENT_BLINDSCAN_END = 6;
static const int EVENT_ATV_PROG_DATA = 7;
+ static const int EVENT_DTV_PROG_DATA = 8;
ScannerEvent(): CTvEv(CTvEv::TV_EVENT_SCANNER)
@@ -57,6 +59,8 @@ public:
+ //common
int mType;
int mPercent;
int mTotalChannelCount;
@@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ public:
int mModulation;
int mBandwidth;
int mOfdm_mode;
int mAudio;
int mStandard;
int mSat_polarisation;
@@ -83,6 +88,21 @@ public:
int mAudioStd;
int mIsAutoStd;//1 is true
int mAfcData;
+ //for DTV
+ int mTsId;
+ int mONetId;
+ int mServiceId;
+ int mVid;
+ int mVfmt;
+ int mAcnt;
+ int mAid[32];
+ int mAfmt[32];
+ char mAlang[32][10];
+ int mAtype[32];
+ int mPcr;
// ScannerEvent(int type){
// this->mType = type;
// }
@@ -137,6 +157,35 @@ private:
static const int ATV_MODE_MANUAL = 2;
+ typedef struct {
+ uint8_t srv_type, eit_sche, eit_pf, rs, free_ca, access_controlled, hidden, hide_guide, plp_id;
+ int vid, aid1, aid2, srv_id, pmt_pid, pcr_pid;
+ int vfmt, chan_num, afmt_tmp, vfmt_tmp, scrambled_flag, major_chan_num, minor_chan_num, source_id;
+ int src, srv_dbid, satpara_dbid;
+ char *default_text_lang;
+ char *text_langs;
+ AM_SI_AudioInfo_t aud_info;
+ AM_SI_SubtitleInfo_t sub_info;
+ AM_SI_TeletextInfo_t ttx_info;
+ int sdt_version;
+ } SCAN_ServiceInfo_t;
+ static dvbpsi_pat_t *get_valid_pats(AM_SCAN_TS_t *ts);
+ static void scan_process_ts_info(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result, AM_SCAN_TS_t *ts, ScannerEvent *evt);
+ static void scan_init_service_info(SCAN_ServiceInfo_t *srv_info);
+ static int get_pmt_pid(dvbpsi_pat_t *pats, int program_number);
+ static void scan_extract_ca_scrambled_flag(dvbpsi_descriptor_t *p_first_descriptor, int *flag);
+ static void scan_extract_srv_info_from_sdt(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result, dvbpsi_sdt_t *sdts, SCAN_ServiceInfo_t *srv_info);
+ static void scan_update_service_info(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result, SCAN_ServiceInfo_t *srv_info);
+ static void scan_store_dvb_ts_evt_service(SCAN_ServiceInfo_t *srv);
+ static void scan_store_dvb_ts(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result, AM_SCAN_TS_t *ts);
+ static void dtv_scan_store(AM_SCAN_Result_t *result);
@@ -150,6 +199,7 @@ private:
int mTvOptions;
int mSat_id;
int mSource;
//TVSatelliteParams tv_satparams;
int mTsSourceID;