authorXindong Xu <>2017-07-17 02:01:10 (GMT)
committer Xindong Xu <>2017-07-17 02:01:10 (GMT)
commitaeae69526e6d21e3c1c6f853b1d7b64a601b5eb0 (patch)
parent1e44018175b2d813883251f5a8483abdcc00a70c (diff)
scripts: just check source files authority [1/1]
PD# NONE We just check source files authority here, The rest is checked at the Gerrit side. Change-Id: I3af9f981dc2f794146b7468895a94b95d5ee100e
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 414e2f2..b3eb451 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -102,8 +102,6 @@ class ChangedFile:
def add_file_comments(self):
if self.mode == 755 and self.should_not_be_executable():
self.append_comment(0, "{} file should not be executable".format(self.file_ext))
- if self.formattable_carriage_returns and self.should_not_have_carriage_return():
- self.append_comment(0, "{} file should not have carriage returns (DOS line endings)".format(self.file_ext))
def append_comment(self, line, msg):
if line in self.comments:
@@ -198,98 +196,6 @@ def check_fp(fp):
f.mode = 755
elif line.startswith("new mode 100755"):
f.mode = 755
- elif f and not f.filename and line.startswith("+++ b/"):
- # get filename if previously failed for some reason
- f.filename = line[len("+++ b/"):].rstrip('\r\n ')
- f.on_update_filename()
- check_lines = f.should_check_line_diff()
- check_statement_spacing = f.should_check_statement_spacing()
- check_indent = f.should_check_indent()
- else:
- if not check_lines:
- continue
- if line.startswith("@@ "):
- # keep track of line numbers
- # @@ -584,7 +681,7 @@
- m = re.match(r"^@@ -\d+(?:,\d+)? \+(\d+)(?:,\d+)?\ @@", line)
- try:
- section_line_start = int(
- except ValueError:
- logging.error("failed to parse section line start")
- section_line_start_err = True
- in_line_diff = True
- cur_line = section_line_start - 1 # next line is the start
- continue
- if in_line_diff:
- # keep track of line numbers
- if line[0] in ' +':
- cur_line += 1
- # get last context line's indent
- if line[0] == " ":
- if line.startswith(" ", 1):
- context_indent = INDENT_SPACES
- elif line.startswith("\t", 1):
- context_indent = INDENT_TABS
- if line[0] == '+' and line[1] != '+':
- if check_lines and not section_line_start_err:
- if (f.is_new and
- not f.formattable_carriage_returns and
- line[-2] == '\r'):
- f.formattable_carriage_returns = True
- if trailing_sp_msg_count < MAX_TRAILING_SPACES_MSGS_PER_FILE:
- if (line.endswith(" \n") or
- line.endswith(" \r\n") or
- line.endswith("\t\n") or
- line.endswith("\t\r\n")):
- f.append_comment(cur_line, "trailing spaces")
- trailing_sp_msg_count += 1
- error_num += 1
- if mixed_tabs_msg_count < MAX_MIXED_TABS_MSGS_PER_FILE:
- if re.match(r" +\t", line[1:]) or re.match(r"\t+ +\t", line[1:]):
- # tab space can be correct, but not space tab and tab space tab
- f.append_comment(cur_line, "possibly incorrect mixed spaces then tabs indentation")
- mixed_tabs_msg_count += 1
- error_num += 1
- if check_statement_spacing and spacing_msg_count < MAX_SPACING_MSGS_PER_FILE:
- m = re.match(r"\s*(if|while|for|switch)", line[1:])
- if (m):
- # line starts with if|while|for|switch
- keyword =
- # check parenthesis/brace spacing. if( -> if ( or ){ -> ) {
- m = re.match(r"\s*(?:if|while|for|switch)( ?)\(.*\)( ?)(\{?)", line[1:])
- if (m):
- keyword_sp, brace_space, brace = m.groups()
- if keyword_sp != ' ' or (
- brace == '{' and brace_space != ' '):
- f.append_comment(cur_line,
- "%s (...) %s // spacing around parenthesis" % (keyword, brace))
- spacing_msg_count += 1
- error_num += 1
- # check binary operator spacing on if|while line
- # match = Search(r'[^<>=!\s](==|!=|<=|>=|\|\|)[^<>=!\s,;\)]', line
- if keyword in ['if', 'while']:
- m ="[^<>=!\s](==|!=|<=|>=|\|\||&&)[^<>=!\s,;\)]", line[1:])
- if (m):
- f.append_comment(cur_line, "spacing around %s" %
- spacing_msg_count += 1
- error_num += 1
- continue
- # do{ -> do {
- elif re.match(r"\s*do\{", line[1:]):
- f.append_comment(cur_line, 'do {')
- spacing_msg_count += 1
- error_num += 1
- if check_indent and indent_msg_count < MAX_INDENT_MSGS_PER_FILE:
- if ((context_indent == INDENT_SPACES and line.startswith("\t", 1)) or
- (context_indent == INDENT_TABS and line.startswith(" ", 1))):
- f.append_comment(cur_line, "make sure indent style matches rest of file")
- indent_msg_count += 1
- error_num += 1
if f and f.has_errors():
@@ -306,9 +212,6 @@ def check_fp(fp):
json_ret = file_comments_to_review(file_sections)
if json_ret:
print json_ret
- #return 0
- else:
- return 1
#print error_num
if error_num > 0: